Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are rare. According to Gallup’s report, only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. According to Bersin by Deloitte, “employee engagement has become the top issue on the minds of business leaders, directing us to an entirely new model of management”.  But what does employee engagement even mean?

Engaged workers stand apart from their not-engaged and actively disengaged counterparts because of the discretionary effort they consistently bring to their roles. These employees willingly go the extra mile, work with passion, and feel a profound connection to their company. They are the people who will drive innovation and move your business forward.

Organisation has to start thinking on how the best way in engaging their employees. A holistic approach to understanding engagement will yield more-detailed insights into what makes people stick around and do their best work. If organizations don’t dig deep in this process, they risk misunderstanding their employees and missing out on all the benefits of high engagement.
